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The goals of these forums have been to familiarize the public with the nature of current social issues, become aware of how they impact us individually and collectively, identify their remedies, and acquire skills for the resolution of the social challenges of our times through involvement in social actions that help to improve the plot of humanity and promote its welfare.  Their purpose and objectives have been to develop a new state of mind, thought, and perspective on how to understand the structure of human society, identify its flaws, and reshape it meaningfully and productively, thus, causing us to become better thinkers, more effective problem-solvers, and learn how to put revelation into action by asking the question of:  How can I be an agent of positive, beneficial, and meaningful change to society? 


Each session is concluded with a discussion on some of the resources that can help each of us in our spiritual and practical journey as we incorporate public discourse and social actions into our lives.  Some of the topics discussed have been on:  Translating Revelation into Reality;  Democratic World Government; Economic Justice; Thought and Social Reality; Strengths and Weaknesses of the Media and How to Turn the Weaknesses into Strengths; What is a Coherent Lifestyle? Party Politics; Dishonesty/Corruption in Business; Homosexuality & Gay Marriage; How Music Affects Us Everyday; Men's Role in Quest for Women's Rights; The Issue of Gun Control:  Should We Have Guns in Our Homes?;  How to Deal With Islamic Fundamentalism; Overcoming the Harmful Effects of Propaganda/Advertising; Simple Strands of Love; Mastering the Art of Service. Please contact us if interested to join.

Public Discourse forums - continued.

Upcoming Social Discourse:

Please visit again for the upcoming session's topics, presenters & date/time.


Facilitator Fereshteh Bethel.  

For location or questions, please contact us at Tel.  951-735-1412

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